Three multiplier events were held in three EU project countries, namely Brussels (Belgium), Granada (Spain) and Linz (Austria) in April 2017 organized by respective project partners to showcase and celebrate the project results. Great emphasis was given to the presentation of the KS2W self-assessment tool, as well as to policy adaptation. The final events had a duration of 2-3 hours each and attended in total by more than 150 local jobseekers, students, VET learners, young and adult professionals interested in improving their employability, VET trainers and career guidance providers, as well as institutional stakeholders.
More than 70 students, jobseekers and young and adult professionals in all 6 project countries (Spain, Italy, Austria, Brussels, Poland, and Greece) piloted, through targeted face-to-face workshops, the KS2W self-assessment tool. Testers’ feedback was positive in general, especially in respect with the user-friendliness, usefulness and overall impression and impact of the tool. Changes proposed were addressed by project partners.
The KS2W self-assessment online interactive tool is now available online in 7 languages (EN, ES, EL, FR, IT, PL, DE) for free!
Developed by project partners according to the results of thorough desktop research, surveys, interviews and focus groups with relevant stakeholders in 6 EU countries, the tool helps users gain awareness of and assess their own 12 Transversal Competences Key for employability as illustrated in the Catalogue of TCs, on the basis of 36 imaginary scenarios that draw from 3 different stages in life/ situational contexts:
1. The stage of entering the job market either as a student, new-comer, or unemployed
2. The stage of career development while being active in the job market
3. The free time in real life
Users, namely jobseekers, VET learners and anyone wishing to improve their TCs key for employability just need to imagine what they would do if they were the protagonist in all these 36 scenarios and submit their answers to take their results, in less than 2.5 hours in total.
Access the KS2W self-assessment tool here!
Partners met last time in the frame of the KS2W project on 14 & 15 December 2016 in Linz, Austria. The main purspose of the meeting was partners to talk over, comment, finetune and finalise the beta version of the self-assessment tool that was recently developed in English, before its launch for piloting as well as to discuss about the Transferability Guidelines and Recommendations for a Support Service Creation developed the previous project trimester. They also agreed on the procedure of the pilot testing and set new deadlines towards the finalisation of the project, discussed about the organisation of the final events, exchanged ideas in view of ensuring project sustainability and shared their views about prospects of project exploitation.
The 4th meeting of keySTART2Work partners was kindly hosted by project partner EVTA on 7 & 8 September 2016 in Brussels. The first day of the meeting was principally dedicated to the technical and content development of the KS2W innovative self-assesment tool for measuring and training the transversal competences of young and adult learners; in particular partners exchanged views and ideas on the methodology proposed having a fruitful conversation about the structure, content and graphic design of the self-assesment tool. The second day partners had an in-depth discussion about the support service to be created in view of assessing and improving the TCs of VET learners. They also agreed on the next steps of the project mainly with regard to dissemination activities as well as other project management issues.
More than 120 target learners, namely jobseekers, VET learners, young and adult professionals wishing to improve their level of TCs key for employability fully attended the 4-hours workshops organised in all 6 project countries in summer - autumn 2016. Through a dedicated agenda including both theoretical interventions and experiential excercises led by experts in the field of skills and competences and career advisors, the participants gained awareness of what TCs are, with a special focus on those presented in the Catalogue of TCs Key for Employability, why they are important and how they contribute to the employability potential improvement. The feedback received by seminars' participants in all countries about the impact of those seminars was more than posistive.
The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the KeySTART2Work project, hosted by Militos Consulting S.A. on 13 & 14 April 2016 in Athens, Greece, has been completed. The meeting was of critical importance to the project as partners discussed and agreed on the final transversal competences key for employability, according to the results of the European Synthesis Report and the Focus Groups, as well as on the methodology, content and structure of the self-assessment ICT tool to be developed during next months. They also agreed on the content of the Empowerment Seminars to be organized in all partner countries and planned ahead for the next steps of the project as well, including future dissemination activities and multiplier events.
The 2nd Transnational Meeting of the KeySTART2Work project was organised by UniversitĂ degli studi di Padova, Italy. Partners presented the results of the quantitative and qualitative surveys in the frame of the comprehensive Synthesis Report on Good Practices and Assessment Tools, discussed on the content and main aims of the Catalogue of Transversal Competences Key for Employability as well as on general ideas about the ICT assessment tool. Future dissemination activities focusing on the final events as well as the 3rd project meeting and next steps of the project were established.
The KeySTART2Work kicked-off in Granada, kindly hosted by the project leader, Chamber of Commerce of Granada. Partners presented their organisations and discussed project aims and objectives, exchanged ideas on the overall project planning, the organisation of the focus groups and the structure of the catalogue of the TCs, scheduling the next steps of the project.